Upcoming Conventions

We love going to conventions and seeing people!

Fran and I will be at Geek Girl Con in Seattle, WA on November 16th-17th. We’ll be selling copies of Vigilant and a few Pathfinder Player Guides for the Scarred Lands.
We’ll also be running short (think 2 hour drop-in) Scarred Lands D&D sessions in the gaming area.

Convention Schedule for 2020:

OrcaCon: Bellevue, WA Jan 10-12. We’ll be running games, signing books, and hanging out!

Emerald City Comic Con: Seattle, WA March 9-12. We’re not tabling, but we will be there all weekend attending as pros, and we’ll have copies of Vigilant with us. Drop us a message if you want to meet up!

NorwesCon: Seatac, WA April 9-12. What we’re specifically doing is still TBD, but we have hotel rooms and will be there for the full show! Could be tabling, reading, and running a game or two. We’ll definitely be socializing with our favorite fellow geeks. We’ll have more details soon.

We’re also looking into attending GenCon (in Indianapolis, ID) from July 29-Aug 2, but that’s still TBD.


Interview with the Authors

Hey, all! It’s been a busy week or so for us. For those curious about how and why we wrote the book, Digital Market Scout just posted an interview with us where we go off into the weeds on all kinds of fun topics: what we love about the Scarred Lands, why we thought Eochaid’s story deserved telling, and how we developed the gruesome combats we put him and his friends through.

We also nerd out a lot, because it’s us. Feel free to chime in here with more questions if you want, and we’ll keep the party going!