RIP Derek Martinus

Hello all, the Historian here. I’ve just returned from the first day of the Emerald City Comic Convention and seen the sad news that Derek Martinus has died at the age of 82. Martinus directed a good number of the stories we’ve seen in the Project, although we were sadly only to get a general idea of his direction as many of his episodes are currently missing. His Doctor Who stories were:

Galaxy Four
Mission to the Unknown
The Tenth Planet
Evil of the Daleks
The Ice Warriors

And Jon Pertwee’s first story, Spearhead From Space, which falls just outside the range of the Project.

We salute Mr. Martinus’ work and thank him for the hours of enjoyment he gave Doctor Who fans. Rest in peace, sir.

One Response to RIP Derek Martinus

  1. Damn, that’s a shame. As always, sir, we salute you and thank you for the many stories you shared with us.