2020 Convention Schedule

UPDATE: Well, that went well, didn’t it? 2020 has knocked us for a real loop, just like everyone else out there. All the cons we hoped to go to have been canceled. However, there’ve been a few online opportunities, including a short-notice online-only Onyx Path convention where we played in an exhibition game and ran one of our vigilant training scenarios. We’re keeping an eye out for other opportunities like this, and if such things open up, we’ll announce them here–we promise.

Here’s an update list of our conventions this year. We already attended OrcaCon (Bellevue, WA) in January (and it was AMAZING). We ran two Vigilant D&D missions, played a ton of cool board games (and even won a new game in the Play & Win drawing), hung out with some amazing people, and overall had a blast. We’re already setup to go next year.

We also attended NerdFaire (Lynnwood, WA) for the first time. I won a free entry at OrcaCon. It’s a little one day event with lots of vendors and cosplay. Depending on how things go over the next year, we might look into tabling there next year.

For the rest of 2020 you can find us (Fran and Sarah) at:

March 12-15 Emerald City Comic Con (Seattle, WA). Drop us a message on social media to find out where we are.
April 9-12 NorwesCon (Seatac, WA). We’re just attending, not tabling, but we are willing to run a pickup D&D game if you’re interested. It’s a smaller convention, so we should be easier to find — drop us a message on social media if you have trouble.
July 17-19 Readerfest (Tacoma, WA). We’re going to be speakers at Readerfest!! Check it out at https://readerfest.org/.

August: Alas, we’re going to miss both Dragonflight and Britcon in August. Not only are they the same weekend, but it’s also the weekend of my little brother’s wedding on the east coast. Maybe next year.

September: We may table at RustyCon (Bellevue, WA). Details TBD.

2 thoughts on “2020 Convention Schedule

    1. Yeah, tell us about it! 🙁

      I’m actually working on some core content for Onyx Path, writing up a section of the Scarred Lands, which is exciting! Sarah’s doing some in-game writing as well, which will broaden our exposure. We’ve done some online play sessions, too, which went well. I’m trying to finish up my part of the official writing so we can get some novel time in. 2020 has knocked us all for a pretty hard loop, though, just like everyone.

      Hope you’re well and healthy, and sad we aren’t getting out to see you!

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